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Bagwani is the most reliable & trustworthy wholesale supplier of China palm in Gajraula, we offer the best quality healthy and well settled palm trees.

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The China Palm is the common name for Livistona chinensis, a species that is very attractive, strong. It is originally from the southern part of Japan including the islands grouped as Ryukyu. The palm also called the Chinese Fan Palm has distinct features of accordian folds of leaves and long hanging ends of the leaves making it an excellent ornamental palm in pots and gardens and for landscaping and even indoors in hot and tropical countries.

The Chinese palm is often utilized in the urban landscape due to its adaptability and aesthetic qualities that enhance the greening of the area. As it can survive and withstand various soil types, it is thus perfect for novices as well as experts in garden landscaping.


China Palm |Livistona Chinensis | Fountain Palm | Serdang | Chinese Fan Palm Plant | Buy At Wholesale Price | Bagwani Nursery

Physical Description

The China Palm is regarded as a small palm as it rises to a height of between nine to twelve meters (thirty to forty feet) or even less when planted indoors or in some other confined space. The palm has a slender, erect and fairly smooth trunk but with minimal wrinkles towards the upper part which may contain grayish leaves. At the top of the palm are many leaf blades which almost look like giant fans and some reach a diameter of 1.5 meters (5 feet) at their widest part.

The palm has odd looking growth that consists of several pieces of long fleshy growth arranged outwards. These are displayed downwards giving the palm a tapering shape as if it has been stuffed excessively.

                                                                  BEST CHINA PALM IN GAJRAULA


Even though their growth is slow at first and will take several years before visible results, China Palms are easy to care for, can be grown from seeds, and can be kept in the house as well as outdoors. Full sunlight is the best option for them but they manage even when kept in partial shade which becomes an advantage when growing them indoors. Such palms do best in well-drained soils and with persistent watering though moderate drought tolerance is noted after their establishment.

Their adaptability extends to warm climates and permits some mild frosts for short intervals which also allows their cultivation in even subtropical areas. Maintenance however in most cases is not practised often although removal of dead leaves helps in maintaining the neatness of the plant.


Livistona chinensis is grown predominantly as an ornamental plant as a shrub or a tree and prefers to be grown either outside in gardens, parks or even indoors. Its small stature and elegant foliage makes it excellent as an accent plant for small and medium sized gardens. Further more, it can also be placed in pots indoors which helps in bringing out the tropics in homes and offices.

This palm can also be plant in planted in the ground around swimming pools and in backyards as the beautiful leaves can provide shade as well as decor for the area. Its leaves are sometimes used in floral arrangements or traditional crafts, though this is less common in modern landscaping.

                                                                    WHOLESALE CHINA PALM IN GAJRAULA

Popularity and Distribution

The China Palm is found in many warm temperate climates around the globe especially in the southern parts of the USA, Australia, Southeast Asia and Mediterranean regions. The common adaptation of this ornamental plant in many parts of the globe is brought about by the wide range of climatic condition it can withstand, its short stature, and attractive fan shaped leaves. Because of its resilience and adaptability, the palm is widely used in different verticals ranging from silhouette designs of structures to outdoor spaces and indoor planting.

The China Palm is a gorgeous and versatile plant that can blend into every setup due to its distinct fan-like leaves and elegant structure. It has low light requirements and can tolerate moderate water stress which makes it useful for outdoor gardens, parks and in houses as well. The China Palm is capable of enhancing the beauty and tropical atmospheric feel of any surroundings it is placed even if it is kept singly or as part of a tropical garden.

                                                                    BULK CHINA PALM IN GAJRAULA

Buy China Palm in Gajraula

Bagwani Nursery is a wholesale supplier of China Palm in Gajraula, we produce high-quality healthy China palms at our nursery. If you are looking for a reliable palm supplier in Gajraula for your project visit Bagwani Nursery and get the superior quality China Palms at wholesale price in Gajraula.

Benefits of China Palm in Gajraula

Here are 8 benefits of buying China Palms from Bagwani Nursery

1. Superior Quality Plants: Deal with Bagwani Nursery and rest assured to obtain the best quality China Palms in Gajraula that are tendered with utmost care for healthy growth and endurance.


2. Consultative Support: Get the expert instructions on the proper ways of planting and caring for your China Palm in Gajraula so that it can thrive in your garden or surrounding.

3. Different Types of China Palm Species: Bagwani Nursery has a wide variety of China Palm in Gajraula to choose from.

4. Available in Bulk: Planning to design a large landscape? Bagwani Nursery stocks China Palms in Gajraula in bulk which is ideal for larger purchases.

5. Affordable Prices: Because Bagwani is manufacturer of China Palm, you will get China Palm in Gajraula inclusively without costing much from you.


6. Eco-friendly Growing Methods: Growing Policies of Bagwani Nursery are Green and Organic while growing China Palms to make sure China Palms are healthy and sturdy.

7. Suitable Location: In case you are situated in Gajraula or within its environs then there is more advantage in buying a China Palm from Bagwani Nursery for you will have quicker delivery and minimum transport costs.

8. Trusted Supplier: Bagwani Nursery is a trusted name in the region, known as one of the largest and most reliable suppliers of China Palm in Gajraula and beyond.

Contact Us

Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Phone number:
+91 7088870984

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