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Bagwani is the most reliable & trustworthy wholesale supplier of Cycas Palm in Chandigarh, we offer the best quality healthy and well settled palm trees.

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The remarkable Cycas revoluta, or the Cycas Palm, belongs to the Cycadaceae family of plants which are very hardy. This type is called cycad palm however it is not a palm plant; this is a cycad, and all the plants falling under this head were there during the age of dinosaurs. Originated from the Southern portion of Japan and other countries from the South East Asia, and due to its quite tall stubby form, hard thick-skinned evergreen leaves and especially its ability to grow over a distant altitude range; it has successfully been grown in many regions of Southern Asia along with its indoor and outdoor ornamental use.


Cycas Revoluta

Physical Description

The cycas palm is a delicate non woody plant that can reach a height of about 3 meters (10 feet) when grown outside but pots grown varieties are rarely taller. In addition, it grows a sturdy trunk that has a rough appearance due to its scaly top and a cluster of dark green elongated soft feathers. The feathers are capable of growing up to about 1.5m (5 feet) long and spread all around the plant. The young buds are soft and rolled up when developing in the sheath stage prior to becoming hardened and making the plant look very complete and pleasant.

Whilst similar to a palm tree, the Cycas Palm is of ancient origins and differs mostly from the rest of the shrubs by the fact that it reproduces by means of cones like evergreens, as opposed to flowers. The species is dioecious causing the presence of separate male and female plants. Males bear an elongated cylindrical structure referred to as the cone, while females possess round swollen clusters of cones.

                                                                  BEST CYCAS PALM IN CHANDIGARH


Many gardeners and plant lovers love the Cycas Palm for its strength and adaptability. It will grow in any soil with excellent drainage and prefers full sun or part shade though some respite is good during high temperatures. After establishment, the Watering the plant is minimal and the plant is able to survive dry spells and therefore makes it fit for dry gardens. Cycas Palm is a slow growing plant and only few new leaves come out each year. This implies that the plant does not require heavy pruning and upkeep.

It is propagated easily as suckers or pups that grow at the base of the older plant can be cut and planted. Due to the slow growth rate of The Cycas Palm, it can appropriately be grown in a container which makes it a favorable plant for indoors or as a patio plant.


Cycas Palm is grown mainly for decorative purpose. Its use has been extended into the designing of exteriors as well as interiors. Due to the regular shape and the exotic attractiveness it decorative serves as a central figure in gardens, pathways and public spaces. If it is maintained indoors, its ornamental effects enhance the beauty of homes and offices especially because it is a tropical plant. The dry climates and warm clients are tolerable to it for these reasons it is also grown in the desert areas for ornamental landscaping.

It is sensible to be careful since all parts of the Cycas Palm, especially the seeds which are highly poisonous, are harmful to humans and animals when eaten.

                                                                    WHOLESALE CYCAS PALM IN CHANDIGARH

Popularity and Distribution

Over the years, the Cycas Palm has gained popularity in many parts of the world, particularly in warm climates such as the southern regions of the United States, Australia, and the Mediterranean. Its aesthetic appeal and low upkeep are the most probable factors in the high occurrence of this palm in the hooray and domestic settings.

The Cycas Palm is considered among the most beautiful historical plants ever cultivated that still has a place in the modern world. It has short maintenance requirements and low growth rate, but is such a stunning plant that it can be used for landscaping both indoors and outdoors. The Cycas Palm changes very little regardless of the environment and is attractive in all its uses whether as an added design, more so, an architectural extension flying out, or just in a decorative pot.

                                                                    BULK CYCAS PALM IN CHANDIGARH

Buy Cycas Palm in Chandigarh

Bagwani Nursery is a wholesale supplier of Cycas Palm in Chandigarh, we produce high-quality healthy Cycas palms at our nursery. If you are looking for a reliable palm supplier in Chandigarh for your project visit Bagwani Nursery and get the superior quality Cycas Palms at wholesale price in Chandigarh.

Benefits of Cycas Palm in Chandigarh

Here are 8 benefits of buying Cycas Palms from Bagwani Nursery

1. Superior Quality Plants: Deal with Bagwani Nursery and rest assured to obtain the best quality Cycas Palms in Chandigarh that are tendered with utmost care for healthy growth and endurance.


2. Consultative Support: Get the expert instructions on the proper ways of planting and caring for your Cycas Palm in Chandigarh so that it can thrive in your garden or surrounding.

3. Different Types of Cycas Palm Species: Bagwani Nursery has a wide variety of Cycas Palm in Chandigarh to choose from.

4. Available in Bulk: Planning to design a large landscape? Bagwani Nursery stocks Cycas Palms in Chandigarh in bulk which is ideal for larger purchases.

5. Affordable Prices: Because Bagwani is manufacturer of Cycas Palm, you will get Cycas Palm in Chandigarh inclusively without costing much from you.


6. Eco-friendly Growing Methods: Growing Policies of Bagwani Nursery are Green and Organic while growing Cycas Palms to make sure Cycas Palms are healthy and sturdy.

7. Suitable Location: In case you are situated in Chandigarh or within its environs then there is more advantage in buying a Cycas Palm from Bagwani Nursery for you will have quicker delivery and minimum transport costs.

8. Trusted Supplier: Bagwani Nursery is a trusted name in the region, known as one of the largest and most reliable suppliers of Cycas Palm in Chandigarh and beyond.

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Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh
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+91 7088870984

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